Category: Uncategorized


Have you ever looked at a certain colour, and feel something inside you change? Whether bad or good…

June 23, 2021

Spirit Dancers

Travellers know a freedom unknown to others. They become impervious to chaos; Underneath there is a…

June 9, 2021


Captured by beauty of colours, shapes and symbols, Fingers begin to itch, move, dance towards a bru…

June 9, 2021

Light and Dark

Accepting we are not perfect Allows us to open our cracks Weaving wider shinning light Black sacks …

June 2, 2021

Being All

Healing powers Seek a healing Not understanding Ask a question? Click to read more...

June 2, 2021

The Flame

Africa, Africa land of the free Far horizons, upon far horizons stretching to infinity We came sear…

May 26, 2021


Sliding Gliding, Slithering down Smooth rock inclines Click to read more...

May 26, 2021


Full of heart is Mother earth Offering her love to all Nourishment, shelter & protection Live by he…

May 26, 2021


Oh butterfly, butterfly how do you fly? Opening and closing as you go. Down your centre, the origin…

May 26, 2021


Lives in Nature’s unseen world The earth’s underbelly Like a mushroom is Protected and delicate All…

April 28, 2021