
Lives in Nature’s unseen world
The earth’s underbelly
Like a mushroom is
Protected and delicate
All is hidden from light
The blacker the hole
The deeper the peace
The blacker the space
The safer the unknown
Mysteries, arising from light
Pale in comparison
To the magic of night
Where the twinkling of stars
Beam across the galaxy
Mother Nature spreads her blackness
Over rocks, under moss, in hollows,
Hidden branches, rotten trunks
Black shadows everywhere
Spread like eagles on her hair
Layers upon layers
Interact along edges, ledges
Wedges, drawing us into
The inner world
For some this is comfort
For others discomfort
Black burrows, tunnels, and funnels
Abound underneath her canopy
Black trunks stretch high
Piercing blue sky
Listen up, as a black & white
Woodpecker, pecks rhythmically
Deep in the blackness of space
Awaiting birth of light
Creation rests; slumbers and dreams
Guarding secrets of the universe.
Anne de Nada